Ready made designs
Custom made too your own design..
Kuia & Korowai have got you covered!
Kuia & Korowai Contemporary Maori Designs
Kia ora koutou katoa,
Ko Mamari toku waka.
Ko Huruiki toku maunga.
Ko Whakapara toku marae.
Ko Ngati Hine toku hapu.
Ko Ngapuhi toku iwi
Ko Jinny Thomas toku ingoa.
Each cloak has been lovingly designed
By the skilfull hands of a Ngapuhi
Artist and Designer
Kuia Jinny Thomas.
A proud descendant of distinguished
Ngati Hao & Ngati Hine lineage.
Her tupuna wore the finest traditional hand woven harekeke korowai, intricately woven by the finest kahu weavers.
Kuia Jinny has reveled in learning both crafts of traditional korowai making (for personal whanau projects) and, more recently by providing a wide selection of the more affordable and readily available option of modern day timeless feather cloaks.
Of late, and after experiencing an ever increasing demand for the supply of more affordable contemporary cloaks, coupled with the burning desire too reach out to help grieving families in their time of need,
A beautiful and blessed journey had unfolded before her.
Each creation is delicately machine sewn, culminating in a vast collection of designer artistry and contemporary designs.
"Kia Ora Tatou,
My name is Jinny Thomas, Grandmother, Artist and Designer of the finest top quality contemporary NZ made ‘korowai inspired’ kahu huruhuru /feather cloaks.
My mahi is blessed in so many ways, as we walk with Angels.
I work alone (under the watchful guidance of my Angelic co-workers),
From my small boutique home-based Auckland business.
My aim is too look after our people!
By providing affordable tāonga too all. In readymade & custom made designs… Whatever the occasion.
No body is too big or too small!
My goal is to reach out to the 1/3 percentage (at the lower end of the market).
By meeting the needs of those struggling to afford such a prestigious tāonga.
This brings so many rewards, on so many levels.
How did ‘Kuia & Korowai’ come about??
'Kuia' when translated means, 'Grandmother'.
'Korowai' is a loving representation of my two heavenly Granddaughters.
For they are the precious tassels upon my blessed kahu/cloak.
In 2011 & 2018, both of our beautiful granddaughters were born silent and still.
Stillborn into the waiting arms of heavenly angels.
Their tiny little bodies born limp and lifeless. Their tiny veins un-embalm-able.
Time stood still as we suffered through our grief. We mourned unconsolably as they laid in state upon ice over three very short days.
It was an incredibly surreal time for us all as a whanau.
Indebted to tangihana procedures, emotionally and financially strapped, leaving us unable to honour either one of our beloved mokopuna with a feather tāonga while they were laying in state. This had, had a profound affect on me.
I felt so deflated that we could not afford such a prestigious tāonga,
To honour either one of our precious Angel Babies.
It had weighed on me personally, breaking my already broken heart.
Twice over.
I made it my mission to change that!
The mission of 'Kuia & Korowai'
Is to provide grieving whanau with an affordable Angel Baby Cloak.
A precious tāonga to honour the Stillborn Angel Babies.
Made affordable at a time when one may feel as though they have lost everything.
At cost only... With no profit taken from the sale.
This is where the wings of my beautiful blessed journey unfolded,
and the birth of
'Kuia & Korowai' began''.
Ngā mihi nui
Nanny Jinny Thomas
Artist & Designer of Kuia & Korowai
Contemporary Māori Designs
Kuia Jinny's greatest desire is too provide a fitting tāonga to
Honour the beautiful precious stillborn bubbies
"With no profit taken from the sales or GST charged".
Kuia & Korowai Designs start from
"$69.00 for Stillborn Angel Baby Cloaks
"These tāonga, and any tangihana kahu, take first priority in the queue and can be ushered through to completion within 24-48hrs of notice".
The bearer will be in receipt of a true tāonga
Blessed with a karakia
"As a small token of appreciation and my way of saying 'Thank You' for including
Kuia & Korowai into your blessed journey, your kahu will come blessed.
The karakia will travel with your kahu ensuring it's safe passage. Each piece is carefully packaged with its blessing and shipped with the utmost care too its destination.
Plus... I will also include a 'Certificate Of Authenticity' for your kahu.
This is my koha back too you."
Treated with care and dignity from the point of conception to completion.
"Each Kahu is treated as though it were one of my treasured mokopuna.
With the utmost respect and loving considerations at every point of its journey".
Being a part of ones journey as they celebrate
"To honour and bestow such a prestigous tāonga upon the intended recipient is truly a humbling and inspiring experience".
Registering as a NZ business company and growing the brand
"Was when a truly beautiful love story began as
Kuia & Korowai - Contemporary Māori Designs
Has naturally evolved".